Kaitlyn Cey

Kaitlyn grew up on a farm in rural Saskatchewan and adores the lively sunsets and wild canola fields that paint the prairies. She enjoys running paths along rivers, playing hockey with friends, steamed milk, bright spring flowers, painting, playing with her beautiful niece and learning from diverse people and voices.

As long as I can remember, I have loved Jesus. I am inspired by many things, but most supremely by the simple Gospel that has been transforming people and nations for centuries.

What difference does the Gospel make in your life? It allows you to Hope, Grow and Flourish in your God-given purpose and potential and bring transformation to your world.


Inspiring and equipping influencers to develop a mindset of hope and growth in order to flourish with purpose and change their world for Jesus.

As long as I can remember, I have loved Jesus.

I am inspired by many things, but most supremely by the simple Gospel that has been transforming people and nations for centuries.

The Gospel sets me free from striving to perform, achieve, measure up, fit in, or to feel accepted and significant. I’ve had many moments in my journey with Jesus when I felt Him guiding me, but a deep defining moment happened years ago in my grandma’s hospital bed. As I lay, eye to eye with her, I experienced God’s love in a profound way. Heart break, burnout, health challenges, and disillusionment weighed heavy on me as I gazed into her dying eyes. As I stroked her white hair, this thought shook me: I cannot add value to my life, or take it away. I am enough, because Jesus has declared it so by grace alone. Both my sweet grandma and I, lay powerless and weak by any human measure, but positioned humbly to receive the life of Christ… mine on earth, and hers, in heaven. Since that defining moment, I have been learning a new way to live Christianity, like a toddler learning to walk. I am experiencing hope, growth and the flourishing that flows from His finished work on the Cross. This inner revelation is changing everything.

This defining moment is when I began to understand the life purpose that Jesus was preparing and equipping me to live out.

Life Purpose Statement:

To experience wholeness, through Jesus, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually and empower others to experience the same, so we can all bring His transformation to the world.

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